South Western Region

Mr.  Amos and Mrs. Perry Mukasa are our regional Coordinators for the areas commonly known as the Ankole, Kigezi and some parts of Toro Region.   The Couple have seen great success in working alongside numerous churches in this region.   Our ministry has thrived in this area where cultic teaching had been a challenge and as Proclaim Africa we have seen many people confess how our ministries have impacted the life of the church in that area.

As a ministry we work alongside churches with both our programs and so far we are operating in 85% of the districts in this region and steadily expanding to other areas.   With the impeccable force and power of the Holy Spirit working in the body of Christ we are sure of reviving and encouraging the Bible study groups in churches and Schools.  The couple is devoted to being faithful to the Lord’s call to strengthen the Families as well.

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