The Colossian Challenge:

Proclaim-Africa’s pursuit is to see followers of Jesus Christ, who are transformed through the diligent and obedient study of God’s Word, can preach sermons with a clear and accurate explanation of Scripture, and are equipped with ministry skills to actively proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Africa and beyond.

In light of this pursuit, The Colossian Challenge is one the programs Proclaim-Africa is promoting to inspire church leaders and their congregations to delve deeper into God’s Word so that the words of Christ will dwell richly in them (Colossians 3:16).

The In-depth Bible Study Programs Department is dedicated at laboring to inspire church leaders and their congregations to delve deeper into God’s Word so that the words of Christ will dwell richly in them.

Currently we have about 495 church leaders committed in the Romans Project since June 2012 -2013 and at least 166 of them have completed the project.

The Colossian Challenge has about 586 people participating in it and we have had at least 30 people complete so far. These are some of the testimonies of those who have completed:-

Those that commit to participate in The Colossian Challenge have to:

°          Read the Book of Colossians at least twenty (20) times; preferably in one sitting for each reading,

°          Hand copy the book  in an Exercise Book as it is in their Bible,

°          Write a testimony and do some additional assignments such as memorizing 4 verses from Colossians and writing down ten lessons they glean from the same book.

Participants receive a Certificate and a token upon completion of The Colossian Challenge.

The Colossian Challenge Testimonies

“First and foremost, the book of Colossians has taught me how I should never allow false preachers who infiltrate the church to mislead Christians. And the only way to do this has also been but forward to us through the scripture (1:29), pastors and devoted Christians must emphasize Christ Jesus as the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. Biblical doctrine must be apprehended and faithfulness to the scriptures. This is the only way that Christ’s church can eradicate false doctrines.

Repeatedly reading Colossians has enabled me to re-capture some verses for memorization. I was especially touched by chapter 3:9-10 which encourages us as Christians to live a life of mortification/sanctification. As I read Colossians over and over, it taught me that I as a Christian must be thrilled and enthusiastic to kill the nature of sin in me and encourage others to live this way too.–” Alex Tumwesigye a 3rd year Student at Westminster Theological College and Seminary in Uganda

“The Colossian Challenge has helped me as an individual to learn to master the Scriptures well and get to interact with the writer of the book of Colossians well too. It has also enabled me to give added concentration to one Bible book in my bible reading at a given time. In one way or the other this programe has helped me improve on my memory verse citation.
Furthermore, it has challenged me to increase the time that I always spend in my quiet time. The Colossian Challenge has not only helped me to be programmed as I attend to different things, but also taught me to set adequate time for the reading of the Word with a set programme. During the course of the Challenge, I have also been able to hear God speaking to me through this book as I went through these verses over and over many times.
Finally, my knowledge on how to make bible study efficient has been increased and I am confident to do the same with other books of the Bible in the near future.”

– Simon Tumukwasibwe: 3rd year Student at Westminster Theological College and Seminary in Uganda



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